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Ask The Experts

For more than a 20 years CEO David Dishman and his team have been taking care of lawns and doing landscaping for folks all over North Georgia. During this time they have been asked just about everything lawn related you can imagine. Below are the most common questions. If you have questions of your own, please contact us.

  • Why should I consider your lawn treatments for my lawn or garden?
    The short answer is a beautiful landscape around can make living there more enloyable and promote a positive image to your friends and neighbors. Think of your yard as your home. Would you avoid cleaning your kitchen till your selling your home? Even if your not currently selling your home, it is a well known fact that any landscaping activity can immediatlely boost the overall value of your property. When you do choose to sell your home, a beautiful landscape can add thousands of dollars to the price
  • Why is weed control important for my yard?
    Weeds compete with grass for space, water, nutrients, and light. Thev can be aggressive and take over a lawn quickly if not kept in check. Proper mowing, water, and fertilization help control weeds more than anything; a thick lawn has a better chance to choke out weeds. Unfortunately, there are no real good preemergents to help stop ALL broadleaf and grassy weeds on the market, so we have to stay on top of them as they come throughout the season (spring & fall)
  • Why is fertilizer important for my lawn?
    Lawns require fertilizer to maintain health and vigor. The key is providing the correct fertilizer at the right time. A well fertilized lawn will make your lawn healthier and thicker, which will help fight against weeds, drought, and disease. a slow released nitrogen should be used to prevent excessive top growth on the grass blade, as the roots are the key to any plant survival. the healthier the plant, the better, and fertilizer is a critical component to having a beautiful lawn.
  • Why do I have brown spots in my lawn today when there was none the day before?
    Brown spots can be caused by a variety of different things; here are a few possible reasons. Fungus, lawn to dry, lawn stressed, pet urine, and chemical burn are a few possible reasons. Call our office to have a professional come out and evaluate and help fix the problem.
  • Do I need grub or insect control on my lawn?
    Grubs and insects are usually in our lawns every year. Weather conditions and population are what determines the amount of damage. Grub and insect control is not needed every year, but during the years these pest are present you may wish you have used them. We use grub and insect control as insurance on your lawn. Just like any other insurance, you hope you don't need to use it. But, it's there when you do.
  • How do I know if i have grubs?
    If you are seeing brown patches in your lawn, go to the edge of the brown patch where it meets the green grass. Pull up on the green grass, if it pulls up like a piece of carpeting. you probaly have grubs and you may see white grubs in soil.
  • How is core aeration beneficial to my lawn?
    Aeration has many benefits. It allows water, air, and nutrients to get directly to the roots. ithelps to break down thatch and thats one of the best ways to prevent disease. It helps roots to become larger and healthier, which in turns it help your lawn to be greener and healthier. It also helps lower your water bill because you lose less water to evaporation.
  • It has been three days since my application. Why do I still have weeds?
    Some broadleaf weeds curl up and almost die immediately and some will take up to two weeks to die and longer during cold temperatures. The warmer the temps the faster the weed will die. If you dont start seeing the weeds dying in 2-3 weeks, then give us a call and we will come out and reapply at NO charge.
  • When can I let my dog out after the application?
    As soon as the grass is dry. Usually within 20 minutes on a sunny day.
  • Does the weed control still work if it rains after a application?
    Yes, we use a sticker/spreader together with weed control. After a half hour or so the weed control cannot be washed off by rain or sprinklers.
  • What is mower stress on the lawn?
    There are several things that can cause mower stress on the lawn. One of the most common is dull mower blades. Make sure you professionally sharpen your blades at least twice a year. Never cut your grass to low, we recommend a minimum of 3 inches in height. And finally, when the outside temperature is very hot (usually 90 or above) the weight of your wheels on your lawn mower can break the blades of the grass leaving brown tire tracks. Your lawn will usually recover in 2-3 weeks if you are properly watering.
  • When and how often should I water?
    The best time to water is between 3:00am - 5:00am. This time is optimum because watering before sunrise helps decrease the possibility of disease, wind is lighter, potential for evaporation is lower, and water pressure is higher. The length of time spent watering varies depending on several factors such as; soil type, season, weather conditions. An ideal schedule to get started in cooler weather would once per week for about 20 minutes. Three times per week for about 20 minutes should be sufficient in summer weather. During this time, you should make monitoring the soil a habit to avoid the possibility of under or over watering.
  • When is the best time to seed my Fescue lawn?
    Early Fall is the very best time to seed your lawn. Spring can also be a good time to seed if you are able to make sure the tender, newly germinated seed is adequately watered during the extremely harsh conditions that exist during the summer.
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